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Test Data

Core Harmonizer
 Signal Harmonizer
 Phone Harmonizer

 GDV Data

EMF Home Harmonizer Protection Unit

 GDV Data

 HRV Data

EMF cell phone harmonizer protection




Core Harmonizer Test Data

Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Testing

GDV testing.JPG

We tested the Core Harmonizer using a GDV, Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) camera also known as Kirlian Photography. The following video and data is a report of the findings.


The tests were run by K. Melissa Waterman, BS, MSW, and Certified Advanced Level GDV User. Melissa conducted GDV experiments measuring the energy of a space for many years at Dr. Joe Dispenza events. The Core Harmonizer experiments were conducted in May and June of 2019. The following video explains the findings of our experiments, and the experiments we did resulted in the following results:

The Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Pro Camera [Image #1] or Digitalized Kirlian photography is a way to take photographs of energy.  This instrument is widely used in Europe and is a certified medical device in Russia.  The camera is capable of capturing images of human energy, the energy of inanimate objects, liquids and the energy of an area or space. 

Image 1 GDV.jpg
Image #1

The Sputnik Antenna [Image #2] was utilized for capturing images of the energy in the test space.  Several tests captured images on 3 occasions in 3 different locations. These tests were completed over 6 weeks for intervals of 1 hour. The first 1 hour time frame was without the Core Harmonizer (Test 1/Baseline; RED) and the second in each test was with the Core Harmonizer (Test 2/ON; BLUE).  All 3 test locations had an approximate square footage of 2500; all were wood frame buildings with at least 2 floors. The test was held on the main/middle floor of the building.  The variables considered were: time of day, weather, humidity, barometric pressure, moon phase, people present, EMF’s, (i.e., computer, wifi, router) and standard electric applications (i.e., stove top, oven, outlets, furnace, refrigerator, blender). 

Image 2 Sputnik 2.jpg
Image #2

The Sputnik Antenna was connected to a titanium test object. The object was placed on the lens of the camera.  Images [Image #3] of the test object were captured for 1 hour every 10 seconds at varying times of day for the 3 tests.  All  images for each test period were analyzed by the proprietary GDV software, SciLab.

Image 3 Capture .jpg
Image #3

Entropy - Merriam Webster Dictionary’s describes Entropy as a process of degradation; running down; a trend to disorder; chaos, disorganization, randomness.


Using the SciLab program, the Entropy data is a calculation of the brightness as well as the smoothness of the circle of the energetic glow. [Image #3] Entropy is a measurement of the stability of the energy that is present rather than the quantity of energy. If entropy is high, it shows chaos/noise. Low entropy shows low chaos/noise.  [Images #4 and 4a]

CH Image 4 Entropy 2.jpg
Image #4
CH Image 4a Entropy 2.jpg
Image #4a

Image 5 and 5a are another way of looking at the same Entropy data. Here [Images #5 and 5a], each dot represents the photographic image [Image #3] of the energy in the test location as it was taken. 


The baseline (RED) is higher on the graph with each point moving up and down. When the Core Harmonizer is on (BLUE) the energy is lower on the graph showing less entropy. 

Image 5 Entropy plots 2.jpg
Image #5
Image 5a Entropy plots 2.jpg
Image #5a

Area - refers to the entire GDV emission area recorded; meaning every pixel in each individual capture [Image #3].  The area is an indication of the strength of the emission. The results in these tests [Image #6 and 6a] show the overall energy in the test location decreased from a mean of 13920.5 to 13636.5 pixels and 1478.1to 13307.2 pixels respectively.  


Total Intensity – Is referring to the brightness part of the glow around the test object; the amount of light blues in image #3. In this case an influence produced a smaller blue glow with a smaller orange ring around it.  If the Total Intensity decreases [Image #7 and 7a] and the Area decreases [Image #6 and #6a], then an energetic influence was added to the testing site that subdued the energy there. The results in this test [Image #7 and #7a] show that the overall energy in the test location decreased from a mean of 17.4 to 16.9 units and 16.2 to 15.8 respectively. 

Image 6 Area 2.jpg
Image #6
Image 7 Total Intensity 2.jpg
Image #7
Image 6a Area 2.jpg
Image #6a
Image 7a Total Intensity 2.jpg
Image #7a

In Summary, the energy in the testing space was decreased in amount. The noise and/or chaos in the energy of the testing space was reduced when the Core Harmonizer was administered to the site. 

Core Harmonizer Test Data

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Testing

The graph below shows the HRV (Heart Rate Variability) heart coherence level of a group of people before and after experiencing the Core Harmonizer. 


HRV testing was done on July 7, 2019 in New Paltz NY with a group of 7 individuals. Each individual was allowed to acclimate upon entering the testing location prior to testing. Each person was then tested with an HRV and 15 minutes of data was collected. The Core Harmonizer was then turned on for 1 hour with everyone in the room, and then each individual was tested again for 15 minutes. The above data represents the before and after of the heart coherence data collected on the group and shows a 15.6% increase in heart coherence.


Testing was done by Amy McTear

Certified NeurOptimal® Trainer, Certified HeartMath® Coach

Certified Sound Healer & Life Coach

Group Enjoying.JPG

House Signal Harmonizer Test Data

Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Testing

Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 8.45.10 PM.png

We tested the House Signal Harmonizer using a GDV, Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) camera also known as Kirlian Photography. The following video and data is a report of the findings.


The tests were run by K. Melissa Waterman, BS, MSW, and Certified Advanced Level GDV User. Melissa conducted GDV experiments measuring the energy of a space for many years at Dr. Joe Dispenza events. The Signal Harmonizer experiments were conducted in May and June of 2019. The following video explains the findings of our experiments, and the experiments we did resulted in the following results:

The Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Pro Camera [Image #1] or Digitalized Kirlian photography is a way to take photographs of energy.  This instrument is widely used in Europe and is a certified medical device in Russia.  The camera is capable of capturing images of human energy, the energy of inanimate objects, liquids and the energy of an area or space. 

Image 1 GDV.jpg
Image #1

The Sputnik Antenna [Image #2] was utilized for capturing images of the energy in the test space.  Several tests captured images over 6 weeks for intervals of 5 hours. The first 5 hour time frame was without the Signal Harmonizer (Test 1/Baseline; RED) and the second was with the Signal Harmonizer (test 2/ON; BLUE).  The approximate square footage of the wood frame building was 2500 ft with 3 floors. The test was held on the main/middle floor in the center of the building.  The variables considered were: time of day, weather, humidity, barometric pressure, moon phase, people present, EMF’s, (i.e., computer, wifi, router) and standard electric applications (i.e., stove top, oven, outlets, furnace, refrigerator, blender).

Image 2 Sputnik 2.jpg
Image #2

The Sputnik Antenna was connected to a titanium test object. The object was placed on the lens of the camera.  Images [Image #3] of the test object were captured for 5 hours every 10 seconds at varying times of day over the 6 weeks.  All 1000 images for each 5 hour period were analyzed by the proprietary GDV software, SciLab.

Image 3 Capture .jpg
Image #3

Entropy - Merriam Webster Dictionary’s describes Entropy as a process of degradation; running down; a trend to disorder; chaos, disorganization, randomness.


Using the SciLab program, the Entropy data is a calculation of the brightness as well as the smoothness of the circle of the energetic glow. [Image #3] Entropy is a measurement of the stability of the energy that is present rather than the quantity of energy. If entropy is high, it shows chaos/noise. Low entropy shows low chaos/noise.  [Images #4 and 4a]

SH Image 4 Entropy.jpg
Image #4
SH Image 4a Entropy.jpg
Image #4a

Image 5 and 5a are another way of looking at the same Entropy data. Here [Images #5 and 5a], each dot represents the photographic image [Image #3] of the energy in the test location as it was taken. 


The baseline (RED) is higher on the graph with each point moving up and down. When the Signal Harmonizer is on (BLUE) the energy is lower on the graph showing less entropy. 

SH Image 5 Entropy plots.jpg
Image #5
SH Image 5a Entropy plots.jpg
Image #5a

Area - refers to the entire GDV emission area recorded; meaning every pixel in each individual capture [Image #3].  The area is an indication of the strength of the emission. The results in this test [Image #6 and 6a] show the overall energy in the test location increased from a mean of 13924.8 to 14204.4 pixels and 8317.3 to 13700.5 pixels respectively. 


Total Intensity – Is referring to the brightness part of the glow around the test object; the amount of light blues in image #3. If there is an influence which produces noise, a smaller blue glow with a large orange ring around it will be seen. This will produce a higher Area but the Total Intensity will be low. If the Total Intensity increases [Image #7 and 7a] and the Area increases [Image #6 and #6a], then a healthy energetic influence was added to the testing site. The results in this test [Image #7 and #7a] show that the overall energy in the test location increased from a mean of 17.4 to 17.6 units and 6.85 to 15.01 respectively. 

SH Image 6 Area.jpg
Image #6
SH Image 7 Total Intensity.jpg
Image #7
SH Image 6a Area.jpg
Image #6a
SH Image 7a Total intensity.jpg
Image #7a

In Summary, the energy in the testing space was increased in amount and in quality. The chaos/noise in the energy of the testing space was reduced when House Signal Harmonizer was administered to the site. 

Cell Phone Harmonizer Testing

We have tested our Cell Phone Harmonizers in the following ways:




Testing using thermography showed that when a Cell Phone is used for a phone call (we tested 3 minutes) that there is a lot of heat absorbed into the mid section of the individuals head where the Cell Phone was held. When we tested the exact same scenario but with the Cell Phone Harmonizer attached to the back of the phone the high heat absorption into the individuals head was not present. 

Screen Shot 2020-01-30 at 3.27.14 PM.png

In both cases the Cell Phone was used for a 3 minute call. The Cell phone was held directly to the head and a picture was taken immediately following the call. 


All variables were the same except for the fact the Cell Harmonizer was present and attached to the phone in the left picture. Note the yellow blotch in the left picture indicating heat in the head and how the right picture does not have that blotch.

Screen Shot 2019-12-05 at 2.06.02 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-12-05 at 2.09.58 PM.png



We used Kinesiology which is is the scientific study of human or non-human body movement to test our Cell Phone Harmonizers. This form of testing showed that individuals who were using a Cell Phone without our protection tested significantly weaker than those who were using a Cell Phone Harmonizer. People tested much stronger when using the Cell Phone Harmonizer on their phone.

EMF Hyper Sensitive Individuals:

We also tested our Cell Phone Harmonizers with people that were considered hypersensitive to EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) and energy in general. People reported a significant improvement when having a Cell Phone Harmonizer on their phone. There were reports from individuals who said they no longer experienced the uncomfortable and debilitating sensations after they stuck our Cell Phone Harmonizer to the back of their phone. One individual said that she had been unable to use her cell phone because even a few minute call would result in her head hurting for up to two hours. This same individual was given one of our Cell Phone Harmonizers by a friend and when she stuck it to the back of her phone was amazed that she no longer experienced these disruptive and hugely uncomfortable sensations. She now swears by the Cell Phone Harmonizer and is able to use her phone and has told all of her friends about the difference it has made. Below is a direct quote from this individual along with several others.


"I wanted to tell you the phone thingy works like a charm! I haven’t been buzzing when making calls! Total game changer! I’m so grateful! Thank you for doing what you do! I haven’t been able to make calls for several years without pain and or buzzing. It’s totally exciting to be able to now!”      Jessie -Vermont


"I'm very happy with the cell phone harmonizer! I'm able to feel a subtle energetic but definite difference! I'm aware of my positive expectancy (placebo) orientation. I'm already attuned to, and invested in the benefits of your wonderful technology! My Reiki sensitivity to subtle energy makes me pretty sure that the phone energy is "cooler and quieter," for want of a better description."   Mary Anne - Massachusetts

Core Harmonizer GDV Test Data
Core Harmonizer HRV Test Data
Signal Harmonizer GDV Test Data
Phone - Thermography
Phone - Kinesiology
Phone - Hypersensitivty


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